A testimonial from Cathryn Stephens

Complete your story sooner

I help frustrated storytellers to overcome their blocks,

and complete their story sooner,

through Agile Author book coaching.

Do you have a burning desire to write a novel but can't seem to get it done?

I understand your pain. Writing a novel is an enormous project, with many pitfalls along the way. Are you facing any of these problems?

Flow and ideas

Do you struggle to release the flow of your ideas?

Do you need ways to unlock your creativity?


Do you spend more time reading about writing than doing it?

Do you waste your time preparing to write but never actually get words on the page?

Do you find it difficult to write consistently?

Difficulty Starting

Do you have too many ideas and don't know which to choose?

Do you struggle to decide what genre to write?

Do you not know where to start your story?

Is most of your time spent on research so that you never begin the drafting process?

Are you spending forever planning your story, but never moving beyond that?

Struggling to Progress

Are you spending more time staring at the blank page than you spend writing?

Do you keep going back and revising the same pages over and over?

Does the middle of your story feel lackluster?


Do you reach a certain point in your story, only to lose interest in it?

Do your characters lack depth?

Do you struggle to make the story come to a satisfying end?

Man leaping over the pages of a  book

Agile Author Book Coaching

Complete a draft of your novel in as little as six sprints

By planning out each sprint as it arrives and feeding your learning forward into each new sprint, you will reach THE END sooner. 

Write a story that you would love to read

I'll show you the Bootstrap your Book method I've developed so the books you love become guidance for your own book and ensure that you write something you are proud of.

Know what to do every day to make solid progress on your novel

Using specific, personalised step-by-step milestones along the way, I can help you finish your draft without you ever having to feel lost or that you're wasting time.

Tap into your hidden potential to write engaging stories

I believe everyone is creative but also their own worst enemy with getting the work done. We will explore your mindset, how you can keep an Agile mind, and overcome any blockages you are facing.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • How do I schedule my appointment?

Click the Book Free Call button and it will take you to my calendar to schedule a time that suits you.

  • How will the call work?

When you book a time, I will give you a link for the remote Zoom call.

  • Does it need to be a video call?

No, you can choose not to turn on your camera, though seeing one another helps to establish a good relationship.

  • Is there any obligation to buy anything?

There is no obligation, but I will invite you to become a paying client at the end of the call if I think I can help you with ongoing 1-1 coaching.